Inspired by Transparencies
It's amazing how office supplies are suddenly making their way into scrapbooking. Well, this one is no exception! Transparencies seem to be making their appearance in a big way these day. You can easily find lovely pre-printed designs in the local scrapbooking store. Or you can even create your own design! This week, we challenge the Dare Gals to use tranparencies in the creations.
Do you dare?
Our Guest Designer is the uber talented Emeline Ng. This is what she has to say:
Hi ! I’m Emeline and I am a blessed SAHM to 2 very precious children - Telia and Trevan. I began scrapbooking 3 years ago after the birth of my daughter.
In the beginning, I merely journalled and pasted pictures onto albums. Along the way, things got interesting and more products became available. I began to add more and more onto my pages! This addiction of making my pages look pretty became a lifestyle - and most importantly to record life's precious moments.
I can't find a neat word to describe my style! It varies and evolves around the photos and pattern papers which I work with. Largely, it depends on the mood I wish to covey in the layout. I love to play with colours and find that scrapbooking is therapeutic and a form of self expression. I am thankful to have a very understanding and supportive husband who wholeheartedly encourages and provide for my passion in scrapbooking.
Truly, I am blessed to have several opportunities knocking on my doors and I hope to use my layouts to reach out to fellow scrappers. As I learn along the way, I hope to inspire and be inspired by you!
For this challenge, working on transparency brings back fond memories! School projects were normally done on transparencies back in school days when the over-head projector ruled! I used the transparency as overlay and underlay.
You can find out more about Emeline from her
blog. Here's her lovely interpretation!

Here's what the Dare Gals have come up with:




