Dare #10
Inspired by Adverts
Do you dare?
This week's Guest Designer is Jaz. Here's what she has to say:

Hi! I'm Jaz. Late last year, my girlfriends introduced me to Scrapbooking and I have never looked back then. I am a SAHM to two crazy adorable children Kai & Faith and a blessed wife to DH Simon. They are my scrapped subjects most of the times. And new member, baby #3 should be arriving in few days time ;)
I am thrilled to be the GD for June and on the theme Ads! Many ads pull me in because of their strong slogans, graphics, skillful blends of colours which all work together to produce well-designed ads. For this LO, I've chosen COCACOLA, my all time fav .My dad used to call me coca-holic, I call myself a lady of good taste. For generations, Cocacola has been associated with special times and places. And it's all about making memories.... I just think it's just time for me to bring both, my fav Cocacola & my love for Scrapbooking together, into this Dare-Inspired By Ads. I've always love vintages and the vintages Ads by Cocacola has never failed to captivate me...Here I wish to capture the vintage (me in pic) vs modern (myself & my daughter in pic) Cocacola world...Using the Limited Edition CocaCola Collection Kit by EK Success,here's my take..."Psst!Have a Coke and smile"
You can find out more about Jaz on her blog.

Here's what the Dare gals have come up: